Submit Your Tennis Club

As a website built for the benefit of the UK’s tennis community, My Tennis Life relies on people like you to help us. Whether it be something as simple as notifying us of a change in telephone number, new local club or even facilities we’ve missed, we’d love to hear from you.


If you know of a UK based tennis club or pay and play tennis court that isn’t listed in our directory, please fill out the form below to submit your venue. However before you hit the submit button please keep reading!



A note about style

A friendly piece of advice before you hit submit. Firstly, please look at how we describe each venue.


Each venue is split into 4 or 5 sections: Social Play, Coaching, Competitive Tennis, Membership and Extras (optional). A full address, phone, website, email and list of facilities are also included. Therefore please supply as much of this information as possible.


And because you are trying to attract new members remember that “you” is more persuasive than “Our, Us, and We”. Remember we all think “what’s in it for me“! By including a phone number you are more likely to attract new members as potential members who are nervous might like to talk to someone before attending a social tennis session.


However, don’t worry if you only have rough details, our copywriting team will use what you submit as the basis for your club’s page.



Submit new club

Taking the above into consideration, please submit your club or venue using the form below. Also, don’t worry we’ll be in touch before it goes live!